Technology * The writing

The other great thing about some of these large technology blogs (not all, but some) is the fact that the writing really is top notch. It's funny. It's witty. There're the occasional references to old video games, easter eggs, and other sometimes obscure but sometimes not so technology references.

The writing really is well done. It becomes so that I visit, not just to find out what next great device to watch out for, but also to be entertained. The posts aren't usually that long even. We're talking maybe a few paragraphs at a time. Usually with a picture, sometimes of the device or software in question, other times of something tangential or spoofy. Yet the fact that the posts aren't all that long also works to the advantage of the large blog because, well, sometimes it can be a real pain to have to scroll down through paragraphs of technology detail (even if it is well written). Short paragraphs work great, especially for someone like me who can have a pretty short attention span.

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